Cleveland Mall Facebook Community Guidelines:
Dear members of the Cleveland Mall community,
This online community is a place to obtain and share information regarding the Cleveland Mall and the surrounding Shelby, North Carolina area. We welcome and encourage participation, discussion and questions.
The following guidelines are in place for participation in the community:
1. Do not use profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent, misleading or unlawful language, material or information.
2. Discussions about illegal activity are not permitted.
3. Do not spam or upload files that contain viruses or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another's computer.
4. Value all members of the community. Treat all people equally and respect diverse opinions and interests.
To foster this environment, we practice comment moderation and reserve the right to delete at our sole discretion any user submitted data that does not adhere to our community guidelines as listed above.
The Cleveland Mall Facebook Team